This week

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why we should be regular in Bible meditation?

Last Friday(21st November 2008), famous bible teacher R.Stanley(founder of Blessing Youth Mission), preached in a revival meeting at SPG cathedral church, Secunderabad.
He was talking about the benefits of regular bible meditation by every individual.
1.The Bible is our daily bread
2. Bible is the highway of holiness
3. Bible is the sword of God
4. Bible is an unshakeable foundation
5. Bible is the textbook on prayer
6. Bible is like a builder's plumb line

More messages/articles of R.Stanley is available at

Christian Life - From Joseph's life

This Sunday(23rd November 2008), Br:Geno(Samuel Varghese) gave the message in the hitec city fellowship at Gachibowli. He talked about Christian life based on Joseph's life

1. Joesph was a man of vision.
Genesis 37:5-10
Every individual, specifically every believer needs to have a vision, a spiritual vision. What ever the be the situation, the vision will come to pass(Habakuk 2:3)
2. Joseph never stops at obstacles when he was assigned a task.
Genesis 37:14-17
Joseph was assigned the task of meeting his brothers by their father. Joseph kept on going till he met them at dothan.
This what is expected out of us also by the heavenly Father.
3. Joseph was accused falsely
Genesis 39:13
Even though Joseph was committed and trustworthy and capable, Joesph went to prison on false accusations.
4.Joseph did not get recognition many times
When Joseph searched and found his brothers, there is no word of appreciation from them.
When Joseph was committed and not willing to cheat his master, he was sent to prison
5. Joseph was not remembered by people whom he trusted
Genesis 40:23
Joseph believed that the cup bearer will remember him and present his case before pharaoh. But that did not happen. And in the end God turned that to be good for Joseph
6. God rewarded Joseph
Genesis 41:39-44
God made Joseph, the second in commandant of Egypt.

And in his position, Joseph acted wisely , and saved Egypt from the great famine. In this hour of crisis across the globe and specifically our duty is to save this society from spiritual famine.