This week

Sunday, January 2, 2011

21 day fasting prayer started

Revival Centre AG Church has 21 day fasting prayer from January 2, 2011 till January 22, 2011

This year the theme is Prayer.
Prayer,Prayer..Prayer.. without ceasing
Praying for
-this nation
- a spiritual revival
- for missionaries and missions
- Church
- families and individuals
Today Pastor was sharing about the importance of prayer and how it changes societies and nations. He quoted the life of "Praying Hide" , a missionary to India

Pastor also quoted the prayerful life of Pandita Ramabai and the revival happened in India because of her prayer

He concluded it with the quotes
"Devil will not fear you if you are a preacher who has graet oratory skills, but devil will tremble before you if you are man who is standing on your knees"

Yes. Let us be on our knees, for this nation, for our friends, for our fellow believers..

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